„I started the One to One program personal training plus the online support 4 months ago; at the time I had bought few nice dresses but I when I wanted to wear them, I always felt uncomfortable looking at me at the mirror. I decided that was time for a change. I decided to work out and follow a diet, but I needed somebody that could led me through; I met Kristina and after a quick chat with her , she showed me the enthusiasm to support me to achieve my goals;
She made a workout program and she was exercising with me . The program consist in 3 days working out in the gym and 1 day on the weekend. Also, she wrote a Nutrition plan to follow and recommend some Vitamins to take;
The first month was really hard, but I really wanted to make it so I didn’t give up; In 2 months time I was feeling a new energy in me. I realized that I was going through the day and the routine with more enthusiasm. After 3 months I could see that my body was different and my soul as well; I learned how to love myself and this made a big difference for me in everyday ‘s life;
Kristina is now supporting me online because we are following our dreams that are in different places of the world, but she is always amazing; she keeps taking care of me as she was here: she wrote a new program for me, she gives me advices and she always make sure that I am good.
I would definitely recommend both programs and I wish you to meet this lovely woman!“